J. Alex Lang

1st Operating Session & Subsequent Improvements

In October, the Aspinwall Belt hosted the first “official” Operating Session.  For the uninitiated, this is essentially a bunch of grown men pretending to run a real railroad, when obviously it isn’t.  But that’s the last time you’ll hear me admit this. I set up some documentation for the group, including an overall train plan, […]

Conrail 8110 GP38-2 in HO

[singlepic id=21 w=320 h=240 float=center] After the baby was born, I received the most awesome of gifts from a close friend of mine: a Life-Like Proto2000 GP38-2, painted as Conrail 7993.  These engines are wonderfully detailed, out of the box, and they run really well.  Well, I’m modeling the early-mid 1990s, and by then, this […]

Conrail’s Aspinwall Belt track expansion

In August, I posted an outline of the so-called “temporary layout”, Conrail’s Aspinwall Belt.  I thought I would share some layout progress and additional thoughts.  As I mentioned last time, the goal of this layout was to quickly get to the point where the kids and I could run some trains.  This way, Dad can […]

The Aspinwall Belt

I have always been troubled by having too many hobbies, and never time for all of them.  Consequently, I go through various phases… As a kid, HO scale model trains (along with a few military aircraft for good measure).  High school was mostly music, with a bit of railroad photography; college was about the same.  […]

More Model Trains

I often get the question “Do you have model trains, too?”  Well, sorta. I did as a kid, and I’ll focus on that for today. When I was in fourth grade, we bought a house in Allentown, Pa.  After about a year, my Dad showed up with a 4×8 of plywood, which was the beginning […]

Model Trains

A couple of weeks ago, Lou Capwell and I spent the weekend with our friend Peter to help him resurrect his HO Model Railroad. While I was in high school (mid-90’s) I did all of the electrical work & control panel for the layout, and was faced with having to recall what the hell I […]